Lance doing his first presentation in class.."hmm.. what were we typing..." Fareez with his presentation of budget hotels.. smiling so sweetly ^-^ Sham.. don't stand in front of the screen la... Qayyum... finally stood up to present.. he just loves the teacher's chair too much. Presenting luxury hotels
writtern at; 4:55 AM;
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The completed display with our proud designers.
Here... Let me stick the pictures up...
Should we place the trophies here? Should we stick more handsome players on the wall?
The trio helping out with the window display ^-^
"Geez...the little girl's hair is so hard to tidy up. Let me try my best.."
Safiah: "Hmm.. what else?" Zurain:"The racket looks crooked"
The team posing for their first day of window display
Ali tapping buddy's hair.."Hmm.. is he more handsome than me?"
Ashiq taking a picture of his good buddy
Everyone playing a part to help buddy wear his clothes
Ali and Khairul helping little girl with the jersey